Ruben Davila
Commercial Relationship Manager11 years with Vantage Bank

“I love to help our customers to reach their goals and be part of their success.”
My role is to help customers develop projects to benefit the communities we serve, while we establish long-term financial relationships with the bank.
I have 25 years of experience working in the banking industry, both in United States and Mexico.
I love the values of professional integrity and respect of the individuals we serve.
I have been previously active in the following:
-Treasurer of the Athletic Booster Club at my kids high school for 4 years (2017-2021)
-Member of the Sharyland ISD Long Term Facility Planning Committee (2020-2021)
-Marketing Chair for the South Texas Manufactures Association (2018)
-Vice Chair of International Affairs with the RGV Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (2017-2018)
I enjoy sports and athletic related events, as well as outdoor activities such as fishing.
I specialize in commercial lending.